Lord, I thank you for giving me faith, and for testing my faith in order to make it stronger. I thank you for all the little, often invisible lessons I am learning as I go through this time. I KNOW that you will give me everything I truly NEED, in order to maintain health in body, mind, heart, spirit — and relationships. Father, I ask you to keep my business and my hopes and dreams healthy as well. I WANT to move forward, to make progress, to build this site and write my books and keep building ALL my product lines and free interactives and such. I am truly grateful for this oppportunity to gain more of the world’s money, so that perhaps my Mate and I will have options this winter. I ask you to help him break free into his OWN independence and ability to make some of the world’s money HIMSELF, without me having to lose more sleep and drive him to where he needs to go. I ask you to help me stay sane, as I try to keep working nightshifts, keep helping my brother with his patent and all that entails, and still be able to sleep and to work while living in my Fran Van, often with the sun beating down on me (like right now). I thank you for the shade that I DO have, I thank you for the wonderful blessings of not paying rent and having a secure and friendly place to park both my van and our camper (still attached to our truck), and for all the awesome fellowship with my family and others. Sustain me, Lord, and help me stay humble and teachable and willing to serve. Amen.