Lord, I thank you for giving me a Mate who reminds me often how to be humble and wise. For although he relies on his own strength before other men, he realizes that it is ultimately YOU who humbles us or gives us the victory — and he ALWAYS is wise enough to leave the spiritual battles to YOU, our King. For me, I have always been the resident “techie”, the one whom everyone else seems to go to for computer help — software, hardware, online and off. Trouble is, I’ve always felt like I know so LITTLE!! That has kept me humble, and looking to you. Now, as my skills grow more every day (although it still seems like so little!), and I find myself on the cutting edge of website design using quite a few industry-standard applications, I am more tempted to rely upon my own self, and to THINK “I got this”. Lord, I offer up my skills and my knowledge to you, and I ask you to keep me humble and not feel like I am winning or losing this game myself — but that I am STILL just a little player on your team. Help me realize that it is only YOU who makes it work, or makes it fail. My job is just to keep doing what is given me to do, and keep on trusting you. I don’t need to see the big picture clearly all the time. And I don’t need to know the next several steps I am to take. It is ENOUGH to know the NEXT step, or to just focus on the one I am currently on. I know that I can always trust you to lead me to the next step WHEN it is time — YOUR time. THANK YOU for leading me faithfully, and giving me faith to follow blindly at times. Amen.