THANK YOU, Lord Jesus, for being the Rock upon which we can build our lives! Thank you for being a plumbline for us, something to measure against, to see where we are aligned and where we so pitifully fall short. Thank you for giving us HOPE through your guidance, your Touch, your Word, and your Spirit. Without your amazing grace and mercy, life would be bleak and I would be weak (lol). THANK YOU for my awesome Mate, and for causing us to grow closer together all the time, as we each grow closer to you. Thank you for fellowship and fun, good times with good people. Thank you for my work, and please help me to get right back into it, helping my peeps online — both those who use the materials I have already created, and those who will use NEW stuff that I have yet to release in the future. THANK YOU, Lord, above all else, for choosing me, allowing me a chance to know you and to follow you. Amen.