Restore some of the original DELIGHT of learning a new language with this 78-page fun pack of 4 mini units!
Many of us start learning a new language with the anticipation of learning crazy new words and unusual phrases. Or we want to talk about our cat's silly antics or other things that just aren't typically covered in traditional foreign language courses.
When you or your students grow bored of the PROCESS and CONTENT of learning the Spanish language, grab this little fun pack to help restore the interest in what truly IS a FUN language!
This 78-page packet contains four mini units, each with its own seemingly random nouns, verbs, adjectives, and phrases.
Each mini unit consists of a Spanish to English list of all the words, followed by 7 entertaining worksheets and full-size answer keys.
At the end of the packet is a complete English to Spanish Master List and one flashcard for every word or phrase used in the entire packet.
Use the 225 flashcards to keep your memory fresh during and after working on each unit!
There are a total of 28 worksheets with answer keys -- most of which contain some type of puzzle or other fun-style practice.
Check out the pics to see examples of words and phrases used in the fun pack -- almost entirely NOT your typical, traditional Spanish class vocabulary, but intentionally chosen for lighthearted fun! :O>