This dark-colored cup fungus grows in small clumps on hardwood, starting out nearly closed and tender enough to be eaten, and maturing into a more opened cup, becoming too tough to be of much use
A humble little mint with a long blooming period and a long history of widespread use
Only found from Central Texas down into Mexico, this titmouse with a striking black crest acts quite a bit like its more familiar, look-alike cousin
One of the few species to walk face-first down tree trunks, this little bird also has a distinct black stripe through its eye.
This black-white-and-grey bird points its slender bill downwards – or tilts it comically upwards – as it spirals face-first down tree trunks and round and round branches, searching for insects to devour
This yellow-flowered, silvery-leaved plant grows low to the ground and has runners that shoot out all over to establish new plants, just like its cousin the strawberry
Also known as Kinnikinnick, this natural ground cover with leathery evergreen leaves and red berries can be found growing in sandy, rocky soils in the northern regions of Europe, Asia, and North America
This species includes varieties called bok choy, napa cabbage, turnip, rapini, and totsoi