This brightly colored, chunky bird is not found in America but frequents gardens and backyards in the UK and throughout much of Europe.
This yellow-flowered, silvery-leaved plant grows low to the ground and has runners that shoot out all over to establish new plants, just like its cousin the strawberry
This WHITE little plant completely lacks chlorophyll and is often mistaken for a fungus or mushroom. In truth, it is a parasite of fungi that feed on tree roots, and is often found in the shade beneath beech or maple trees.
This is the typical “red-breast” found in the United Kingdom and much of Europe, completely unrelated to the “red-breast” found in America.
This relative of the European Robin nests across Eurasia, can sometimes be found in small numbers in North America, and overwinters in Africa.
This humble plant is easily overlooked, both in its quiet early blooming and later leaf unfurling. You can find it in wetlands and riverine forests in the NE quarter of the US, up into Canada.
Birders in the eastern half of America welcome this bird as one of their most colorful and recognizable, with its classic blue plumage, contrasted with a little red and white
Similar in many ways to the American Goldfinch, this little bird has a heavily streaked breast and can often be found in sizeable groups.