What's unique about Fran's color palettes?
For EVERY HUE used you get HEX NUMBERS for 19 different shades & tints, from almost white to almost black. That way, if you or your client says, "I like this, but I wish it was just a bit lighter... or darker..." NO PROBLEM! With Fran's unique HSL buses, you already have the next several variations in either direction! Full page palettes also provide RGB codes and color names of select variations, 4 to 7 variations of each hue.
Harness the power of HSL Color Math to get mathematically precise palettes that go beyond "yellow looks good with blue" to show you WHICH yellow and WHICH blue!
TRIAD colors are 120 degrees apart on the color wheel circle.
FranLaff.com/COLOR to get
FREE SAMPLE palettes and buses, along with more information on HSL and Fran the Color Consultant's services.
THIS PACKET has a reduced price because one of the buses are featured in the FREE SAMPLEs mentioned just above -- you don't pay for that bus!