This large-leaved biennial wildflower has thistle-like flowers and an edible and medicinal taproot
A familiar weed of lawns, fields, roadsides, and gardens, this plant and its close relatives are the only species eaten by beautiful monarch butterflies.
This yellow-flowered, silvery-leaved plant grows low to the ground and has runners that shoot out all over to establish new plants, just like its cousin the strawberry
This is one of the few birds that many residents of the USA know by name… but it is THAT NAME that makes many people in the UK a bit confused. No matter where you live, each version has the classic “red breast”.
This is the species that is used as THE cultivated walnut tree. It has pinnately compound leaves with about 7 alternate leaflets, larger towards the tip or terminal end.
Only found from Central Texas down into Mexico, this titmouse with a striking black crest acts quite a bit like its more familiar, look-alike cousin
This relative of the European Robin nests across Eurasia, can sometimes be found in small numbers in North America, and overwinters in Africa.
A humble little mint with a long blooming period and a long history of widespread use