This WHITE little plant completely lacks chlorophyll and is often mistaken for a fungus or mushroom. In truth, it is a parasite of fungi that feed on tree roots, and is ...
One of the few species to walk face-first down tree trunks, this little bird also has a distinct black stripe through its eye.
This humble plant is easily overlooked, both in its quiet early blooming and later leaf unfurling. You can find it in wetlands and riverine forests in the NE quarter of the ...
Only found from Central Texas down into Mexico, this titmouse with a striking black crest acts quite a bit like its more familiar, look-alike cousin
This bright, tropical-looking black and yellow bird from Southeast Asia is related to chickadees and titmice
The brilliant blue, white, or pink of these flowers are actually 5 to 25 colored sepals rather than petals. They appear to float upon a mist of thread-like bracts above feathery, ...
These nearly ubiquitous, often evergreen vines are almost entirely edible outside of their berries. Try their tender tendrils. :wink:
Also known as Kinnikinnick, this natural ground cover with leathery evergreen leaves and red berries can be found growing in sandy, rocky soils in the northern regions of Europe, Asia, and North ...