Lord, it is sooooooo much easier to have faith and hope in YOU, than in anything that seemingly depends upon MYSELF. Help me to find a balance between determined action, and peaceful rest. Help me to create for YOU, and trust you to provide for all my needs. Help me to BELIEVE that I am not just Garbage People, dumped here on earth to endure torture and write books about it… and then feel like it’s all just worthless, unable to really help anyone at all. Right now, I am SICK of spending countless hours promoting my books, only to get a few polite responses but NO SALES. I know I am in the EXPOSURE stage of the thing, promoting the FREE version and getting it in front of as many people as possible… and I still do feel like this is the RIGHT thing to do, and something YOU are prompting me to do… but it feels like I am worthless, just something to be USED, like a human steppingstone, and no more. I grow weary of my plight, Lord. Sustain me, comfort me, encourage me, make me ABLE to keep working and trying to help as many people as I can. I give this whole thing over to you, Lord. I give you my discouragement and my heavy heart. I give you my nearly non-existant finances. I give you my vehicle which at least now has new brake pads — yay! I give you my mind, my hands, my time, my work, my website, my books. All I have is yours, Lord. I am trusting you to continue to provide for ALL my needs — even motivation and emotional/mental strength. Amen.