Lord, I feel scared, and quite tense. I KNOW I can count on you to provide for all my needs, but I cannot help but feel an incredible fire under my feet to work harder, do more, try to make enough money to prevent a disaster and even to move forward. YOU see all that has been happening, all that I have seen and experienced lately. I suspect you may be using these things to prompt me to do something new, or finish some of my projects more quickly… At the very least I feel motivated to focus — even if I DO feel weepy and like a failure at the same time. I offer my crazed emotions up into your kind and capable Hands, and ask you to help me through this time of pressure and sorrow. Help me to stop resisting what IS, and just work with what I have. Please also help me to not take my stress out on my Mate. Help me to use YOUR strength to help other people right now, more than I usually do. I really need you right now, faithful Shepherd. THANK YOU for taking good care of frazzled little me.