Lord, things feel rather grim right now, but it seems like there are several smallish things that are adding to the effect. As I write them, I ask you to help me just hand them over to you. First of all, it has been rainy and cloudy and at times quite cold lately. I don’t see or hear the birds very much, but I thank you for the moments when I DID get to see or hear them. :) I have been working my butt off for days, trying to make enough money this month to pay my extra bill AND have enough to visit my son during spring break — and I am getting quite discouraged and frustrated on that end. YOU see all that is involved in THAT — I do not need to go into details. My head has been funky, almost like I am in a bit of a fog lately — and a couple different times I’ve felt unusually tired, like I was fighting off something. But I am SUPER blessed in having just these tiny little concerns, because there are two men I care about here that are NOT in a good way. One appears to be mistreated by his caregivers, and the other has been rather abandoned by one of his medical doctors. Both are in pain, and it is hard feeling so useless, unable to help. Even my Mate has been suffering from a tight back lately, and is VERY upset about his buddies’ situations. Things just don’t seem very bright right now, in this little corner of the world. And yet, I feel your Spirit still bright and shining as ever, encouraging me to never give up, keeep on trying, keep on working AND taking time out to enjoy the simple things in life. Please help me to stay light for my Mate, and not take any of these concerns too seriously. I know I can trust you to provide for ALL our needs. You’ve never let me down, Lord. THANK YOU. :D