Yay! This morining was the first time I was able to jump right into the area where I type out this little prayer blog. No more guessing, just ease of access and creation. WOOT!
THANK YOU, Father, for the amazing brainstorming and learning and breakthroughs of the last 16 hours or so. I do believe it was well worth the less-than-5-hours of sleep, lol. Thank you for pulling all the puzzle pieces together, and guiding me in discovering new and valuable concepts to improve my life and increase my happiness and contentment! Thank you for showing me how emotions are designed not to move THOUGHTS, but to move the body. They are meant to be accepted and expressed through movement, noise, or creating something with the mind or with the body — with an intensity to match the level of emotion felt. I have so many ideas on this, but even more ideas on the other two: how to manage thoughts using 3 plumblines, and how to use emotion and thought and LEARNING to gamify behavior! :D Lord, I TRUST you with these ideas, and I put them into your capable hands. Prune them, refine them, and guide me in the best way to use them to help myself and others. Amen.