Lord, I thank you that you have made me such an accepting person that (especially now that I am not responsible for other lives, like children or small pets) I really do NOT care what other people do/don’t do, how they live their lives, or what they believe in. It is awesome to be FREE of judgement — or at least more free than I used to be, as I know there are still knee-jerk reactions I have to an occasional person or situation. Still, I ask you to help me become a better steward of the food in our home, Lord — what I feed to my Mate and what I put in my own body… and perhaps even the example I present to others, such as our good friends here. THANK YOU for making me so accepting not just of people but also of what most consider to be “bland” or “sour” foods — not needing to add sweeteners to my herbal tea, actually ENJOYING things like quinoa with lacinato kale and slivered almonds… and getting a little excited about learning how to cook different types of beans with different healthful spices in order to make them a lovely source of plant protein. There is soooooooo much to learn in this world you created, Lord — not just about food and the human body, but beyond that to all the animals, plants, chemical and physical properties of matter… and PEOPLE! That last one alone could keep me busy learning for the rest of my days. Us crazy humans and our variations, customs, cultures, history, art, technology, and other creations…! No wonder I need to eat healthier — I need more ENERGY to learn so much, lol. THANK YOU, Father, for your provision and your protection and your motivation and encouragement. Please help me to be faithful, for I can do NOTHING without you. Help me to remain humble and teachable, and help me to grow in wisdom and patience, kindness and self-control. Amen.