Well, I just reread my last “ramble” (blog post) and realized it was QUITE rambly, as in: not very coherent, very randomly organized. My apologies in advance — this one COULD be even worse, hahaha!
I am in WeMi!! I am HOME!! Or at least — as close to HOME as I have felt, in this physical world, thusfar. I feel HOME when I am with my Mate, and when I am alone with God. I feel some version of home when I am in nature. But as far as physical locations on the globe, I believe West Michigan is HOME for me, right now. Even though I still have a job on the other side of the state, lol. AND my Mate is over there as well, so…!!
So far, I have gone for four walks in 3 days, and met with one significant person. I will meet with one or two more, and definitely go for several more walks, in several more places, before heading back to work in less than a week. I will MISS being HOME, but I believe I MAY have the beginnings of a plan to move here more permanently…
James 4:13-17 ERV
Some of you say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to some city. We will stay there a year, do business, and make money.” Listen, think about this: You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Your life is like a fog. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. So you should say, “If the Lord wants, we will live and do this or that.” But now you are proud and boast about yourself. All such boasting is wrong. If you fail to do what you know is right, you are sinning.
One awesome thing about being on vacation in WeMi is the chance to practice NOT PLANNING, just going with the flow, seeing where I will end up next. I have a map of 53 different trailheads (plus 10 more or so in Emi, at the time of this writing) and my Google map (with all my personal pins) is covered in libraries (to get cool and charge my battery packs while reading/working on my laptop — like NOW), plus other places like Planet Fitnesses (to work out & take showers) and places to park and sleep, etc. There are several parks I REALLY want to visit while I’m here, but other than that, my plans are OPEN. I am LOVING just driving around to various places, some that bring back awesome memories, and others that are new to me.
One place I walked yesterday is a location I am calling “Fran Valley” because it seems to have no name on any map. I was trying to find an old store I used to take my kids to, but it seems to have been replaced by a different venue. I parked at one end of a bunch of strip malls, and walked to the farthest place it could possibly be. I felt a tad bit foolish, as everyone else DRIVES to these places, and no one else seems to WALK in such an area… but I did enjoy it, and even kinda enjoyed being such an oddball, heehee.
Today, sitting in a library before a big window looking out on green gorgeousness, I have found myself RELAXING at last, waiting for my battery packs to charge and going back and forth between prayer-writing (typing), list-making, brainstorming, reading (finished a library book from my Emi library, lol), and working on my HSL (color math) project. Yep, this is me RELAXING, lol.
This seems to be a really GOOD thing for me! If it hadn’t have been raining, I might have gone for another walk, but this busy work in the library really got me to see some things from a new perspective, and I now have the beginnings of a PLAN that God MIGHT bless, empowering me to move to WeMi — we will see! :wink:
In a nutshell, I have been planning to make some physical decks of cards — edible & medicinal plants of lower Michigan — and ones people might see on a walk — along with some other topics related to mental health, mindfulness, etc. I am hoping to find some little shops that might allow me to sell some of my decks, giving them a generous commission, and including links to printable versions and other things on my website. I also got to thinking: There MUST be a LOT of people who do NOT want to commit to a therapist and spend all the time setting up such a relationship… who would consider hiring ME as a Traveling Discovery Coach — making use of my OWN products (most are NOT up on my site YET) to help solve little mini-problems like procrastinating on a project or not being able to DO a particular thing, or change a particular habit…
In a nutshell, I LOVE driving around WeMi. I want to go to every library and park and trailhead, returning to my favorites and getting to know every turn of every favorite road and path. And I HATE having to fit myself into a SCHEDULE like I have with my home health care job in Emi. I COULD try AGAIN to make all the money I NEED from my own website, but that just doesn’t even SOUND good any longer. I want a way to make money WITHOUT having a prearranged schedule, and USING that to my advantage, along with my love of driving around WeMi. I have slowly developed my Discovery Coach plan/products since I came up with it in 2020. Perhaps it is time to start implementing the next phase… GOD WILLING. :wink: