Faithful Shepherd, amazing Father, Holy Spirit… I THANK YOU for giving me so very MUCH to be grateful for, from my increasing stamina for longer walks, to my stacks of books and determination to learn MORE about plants and other aspects of your creation… down to the little things like warm water and the tiny goldfinch eating at the feeder outside the window where I sit, typing. THANK YOU for setting me straight in a few things lately, helping me climb out of a depression I was struggling with, into a time of more FREEDOM, after YOU reminded me that I do NOT HAVE TO LIKE myself, or the present moment and its sensations. And seeming to come right off of that, I realized that I DO NOT HAVE TO keep DOING, building, ACCOMPLISHING. Because Jesus ALREADY accomplished all that is truly important in this timeframe. I know I need to continue to work to make enough money to support myself and my Mate… but beyond that, anything I do is just basically to fill my time. NO need to get stressed over the things I have not yet accomplished, the projects I have not yet finished, or the things I have not yet learned. Instead, I truly CAN focus on Jesus, being thankful for all that He has provided for me and my Mate… and ENJOY whatever learning and building that happens, along the path wherever my Shepherds leads me. :O>