¿Cuántos Años Tienes? Practice telling ages with tener + años, reading numbers 1 to 100, and a few family and people terms in this FREE interactivity!
Spanish-Speaking Country Flags test your recognition of the flags of 15 different Spanish-speaking countries with this FREE interactivity
Odd Otter & Even Beaver SEQUENCE practice odd and even numbers in three levels of difficulty with this FREE online activity
Los Colores Drag to Match match 11 Spanish color names to their color panels in this free interactivity
El Cuerpo Drag 3 review a few Spanish words for parts of the body by dragging the words to their part of the photo
El Cuerpo Drag 2 review a few parts of the body in Spanish by dragging the words to the correct places in the photo
El Cuerpo Drag 1 review a few Spanish body terms by dragging them to the places on the photo and clicking "Check"