Lord, I feel like just a foolish, stumbling human. I try to act rightly and pay attention and be faithful, but in reality I know nothing, and can do no good at all. As your servant, I am completely dependent upon you. I could forsake you and strike out on my own, forcing my will upon my world and earning this world’s treasures — but nothing gained that way would be worth the loss of your Spirit helping me, giving me peace and joy despite my circumstances. Instead, I choose to be a fool for you, humbling myself and allowing you to lead me. That is the only way to be wise, and to be at peace. Yet I do even that so imperfectly, that I often stumble and stop to mourn my petty injuries. Help me to become stronger and more resilient, Lord. Help me to grow in wisdom and patience and Love. Help me to ignore my little discomforts and fears and walk forward boldly, trusting you to lead me faithfully even during the times when I am most blind. Remind me, Holy Spirit, that I do NOT neet to FIGHT to get what I want or think I need. Remind me that it is YOU who is writing the story of my life, and all I need do is to stay alert and follow you. I do not need to devise ways to move forward — but I DO need to stop blubbering and feeling sorry for myself… and I DO need to let GO of my expectations of how things SHOULD be. THANK YOU for your Help to get this done. Amen.