Hello Father and THANK YOU for showing me how much LOVE and ACCEPTANCE and sincere concern and caring that FAMILY can give…! Thank you for the probability of moving back into our camper, me and my Mate living in our OWN little frugal home together again for the first time in over a year… maybe in the next couple weeks or so, and probably until it gets COLD again! AND THEN, my sister has already started making a special space in her house FOR ME, to encourage me to STAY there again next winter, and consider making her home our winter home, while she and her husband are down south in Florida. She has been clearing out space in her upstairs, fixing up a sweet little window seat area for me, where I can work and read and watch and listen and type and do art — all while looking out the window, seeing the trees and the birds and hearing the TRAIN, lol! There will even be a space for me to lie down and nap, so that my Mate and I can more easily share the bedroom again, downstairs. Lord, I do not know all that you have for us in the coming weeks and months and years, but it SURE IS NICE to feel so WANTED…! And the best part is, both places/sets of people want MY MATE around just as much as myself — HE is loved and accepted and wanted, too! HE has special people and places to call HOME in Michigan too! WOOT! :D