Lord, I feel like David, in this Psalm. I don’t even KNOW why I am upset. I feel like I have been given so MUCH, and that so little is asked of me. I feel like I am wasting time, wasting money, wasting energy, wasting MYSELF. I feel desperate to create something I am proud of, to feel FREE and LIGHT and PLAYFUL again. I know it will happen… and perhaps it is just around the corner, waiting for me in the coming hours, days, or weeks. Perhaps it has just been too long since I have been out in nature, enjoying my true and lovely FRIENDS — the plants and water, sky and breeze, birds and bees, heehee. :wink: I know one thing I am doing wrong — I am trying to “figure things out” as my Mate always tells me not to do. I’ve spent too many hours lately laying in bed trying to sleep but having too much discomfort in my body to get comfortable — and my mind wanders to the future — trying to solve the problems of the Unknown, which of course just ends in FRUSTRATION.
Lord, please help me walk in FREEDOM and JOY again. Help me to hand over to YOU my aches and my frustrations. Help me to look to YOU, instead of to mine own self — for comfort, for hope, for sustenance. I know that I can lose EVERYTHING, and still be just fine, as long as I have YOU. Please help me ACT like I know it…! Amen.