Lord, I pray for your protection, your covering like in Psalm 91. I am about to be alone, without my Mate, but I am rather used to being alone, anyways. I know my Mate will be with me in heart, as I am always with him, but I pray for a SPECIAL, HEALING time alone with you, across the state, hunting my FAVORITE spring wetland wildflowers — like skunk cabbage and marsh marigolds. Maybe even wild ginger — but I only know for certain one place THAT grows, on this side of Michigan, and in Tennessee. LOL. Father, please guard my heart, my mind, my spirit, my TIME… as I search for peaceful solitude and a cessation of serving others for a short time of partial days, in the coming week. I THANK YOU that I do NOT need to make sense to other humans, but can be warmly embraced by your Spirit, who knows me and guides me so Faithfully. Amen. Help me to be a faithful daughter, faithful wife, mother, sister, coworker… and even Door Dash delivery girl, heeheehee. :wink: