Good morning, Father! THANK YOU for the awesome new exercises lately, showing me how to work my lower back AND my knees, to strengthen both! My body is feeling more lithe, and my knees more stable. Overall, I am feeling more comfortable and even sleeping more comfortably — THANKS!! Lord, I also thank you for this PERFECT weather lately, highs in the 60s and 70s, lows in the 40s and 50s, with some rain, some clouds, some sun, and some wind. A very pleasant mixture with variety and even some warm enough mornings and evenings to leave my window open right next to me while I work — one of my favorite things in life!! :D I also thank you for how well my work is going, and how little I have to worry about at this time in my life. Although my Mate only worked a few days and made almost no money, and we don’t know if he will get any more work, we do have plenty enough money for now, due to the stimulus checks that we actually got this time (not gone to his past child support). Overall, this time period is one of the most peaceful and productive I have had in years — THANKS again!!