Thank you Father for giving me my phone back, along with the freedom of interconnectivity… after several days of waiting for the phone to de-charge so that I could use it again as a mobile hotspot (or use it AT ALL!), I have truly come to appreciate the phone and the tight little bit of service I get out here in the mega-boonies, heehee. [I took a screenshot of the weather forecast and the options panel for it LOCKED onto the screen rendering ALL functions unusable outside of what is triggered by the manual side buttons, which unwisely does NOT include powering off or resetting — even the dudes at the phone store couldn’t fix it and recommended I wait for it to “die” = de-charge over a number of days]
I don’t even remember writing on this lil prayer blog since I made it to Ranger, Texas and HOME to my Mate (whew!)… so readers please bear with me as I re-settle, and please do forgive me my little “honeymoon” time after being back with my soul Mate hubby in sunny Texas. :D
It is good, good, GOOD to be back to the “normal state of things” that is life WITH my Mate. And I AM a lil surprised and truly grateful to have any phone service at all out here — once again my only source of internet outside of going to the local library to use their wifi. I must say, I am impressed with the T-Mobile/ Sprint service out here so far away from any large town. AND I get pretty good service at my new gym, as well — so I can’t complain. :D