Good morning, Lord!
What an amazing weather change!!! Yesterday evening it was 92 degrees. Now, 14 hours later, it is 43 with a windchill of 28 degrees! WOW! And yet, with the inherent and added insulation on the camper, and with a single heater blowing on my Mate in the center of our little space, I feel warm enough in a short sleeve shirt, even sitting one foot away from my window which is covered only by a curtain and a large bath towel. WOOT! I LOVE pulling up a corner of the fabric coverings and peeking out the window at the dreary, cold-shocked world outside, sticking my nose into the COLD air close to the glass! And I love even more the forecast, getting a little bit colder by tomorrow morning, but shooting right back up into the 80s the next day, lol. THANK YOU for variety, Lord Creator, and thank you for all the little blessings of last night, leading me through some relaxing art play, and explorations and learning adventures throughout most of the night. I may have gotten less than 4 hours of sleep, but I feel GREAT! With the cold outside, I know that my Mate and I will snuggle inside today, feeling like two toasty little rabbits inside a burrow. I have internet to do my work, a flexible and Fran-friendly structure to guide my work, lots of ideas for art and play as well as for work, and a seemingly inexhaustible list of things to learn and do. Faithful Shepherd, I give you this day. I give you my heart, my mind, my time, my hands. I ask you to bless my Mate and my children and my other beloved peeps with peace and joy this day. Show me how to be more pleasing to you, Lord God, and how I can grow my site and myself to better serve your people. Amen. :D