Languages have always been the cornerstone of my online business. From the first website I created — (2004) — to my most popular website ever created — (2012) — SPANISH in particular has been my top selling subject of all time. However, I grew weary of creating Spanish materials, despite how popular they were. I wanted MORE. I craved variety.
Almost a year ago now, one of my sisters invited me to join her on her family subscription to Duolingo. Since then, I have been studying ELEVEN different languages besides English, both on Duolingo as well as on Rosetta Stone, Mondly, Language Drops, other apps, and my own private studies. Needless to say, I have renewed my interest in languages. In fact, language learning practice is just about the ONLY thing I work on EVERY single day, lol.
I have to leave for work soon, so I cannot write much now, but I’d like to sum up what I’ve been creating in languages lately. This past couple weeks, I released four new products on Teachers Pay Teachers — the same basic product in four different languages. As I grow more and more familiar with several different languages — mostly French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and German — I feel confident enough to use online resources to help me make comprehensive vocabulary lists in English, and translate them into each of the other five (and eventually more) languages.
Basically, I have started a longterm project of creating both printable products AND FREE interactivities on THIS website — for each vocabulary topic — in English plus at least the other five above-mentioned languages. For all published products and at least much of the FREEBIES, I will be using the SAME images and (English-based) vocabulary lists, making it as easy as possible for ESL/EFL and other language teachers and learners to use these language learning sets. For example, someone who speaks Italian may be able to teach English easier because there are card sets using the SAME images, illustrating the same vocabulary terms in the two different languages.
Not sure if I explained that very well, but I am feeling a bit time pressured, as I have to get off my laptop and get ready to go to my “real job”. LOL.
For now, I can link to my TpT store with the new products I just released – with the Dutch version coming in a day or two — and to the only new language product I have released on THIS website so far: 120 Dutch VERBS Search.