Wow! Once again, I have let so much time go by between posts on this blog, that I almost feel like a different person, and so MUCH has happened and changed, that I fear I may not be able to adequately catch the reader up.
And I would like to THANK my few faithful readers, those who check for updates on a regular basis, not giving up on me. I hope I have not let you down too badly, but it DOES appear that I am once again returning to a time when I will be able to focus more on my own digital work, and less on working for others and such. Yay! Not sure that will translate into more consistent posts on this blog, because…
Yet that “PW project” (PW is my shorthand for Praying with the Word) is just one of MANY I have in mind, and does not yet make the “short list” of things I am focusing on NOW:
People come into the world with nothing. And when they die, they leave with nothing. They might work hard to get things, but they cannot take anything with them when they die. It is very sad that people leave the world just as they came. So what does a person gain from “trying to catch the wind”? They only get days that are filled with sadness and sorrow. In the end, they are troubled, sick, and angry. I have seen what is best for people to do on earth: They should eat, drink, and enjoy the work they have during their short time here. God has given them these few days, and that is all they have. If God gives some people wealth, property, and the power to enjoy those things, they should enjoy them. They should accept the things they have and enjoy their work—that is a gift from God. People don’t have many years to live, so they must remember these things all their life. God will keep them busy with the work they love to do.
Have you ever actually READ the book of Ecclesiastes? Solomon, who wrote that and the Proverbs, was thought to be the wisest man who ever lived — NOT JUST by his own people, the Hebrews/Israelites… but by many other cultures of the world as well! I find it amazing, and I share this with people fairly often, that several times in Ecclesiastes (chapters 2,3,5,8), he basically says this (Fran version, lol): “I have studied all of life, and come to the conclusion that the BEST thing we can do with this life is to eat, drink, and enjoy the work we’re given.” Wow! Pretty simple, aye?!
So to catch the reader up, and lay down some guesses as to the near future, here is a simplified version of what has happened since I last posted, and what seems to be coming: