Lord, I thank you for allowing me so many chances to help people yesterday, even if it was only a smile and a kind word. THANK YOU for allowing your Love and compassion and JOY to flow through me! THANK YOU for hours spent in nature these past few weeks, the cooler, more WET weather drawing me out, reminding me of my HOME in Michigan! There are even a few things I like MORE here than in Michigan — mostly the amount of exposed ROCK, that is easier to walk on (especially barefoot!) and lovely to climb on and use for doing stretches and isometrics! :D Lord, I truly feel HAPPY, and I have so much joy and excitement and hope that I wish I could give it away to MORE people, to help them feel just a bit lighter during these hard times! I have fresh, clean clothes and fond memories of time spent while they were washing and drying… I have plenty of food and even toilet paper now… In fact, I cannot think of a single thing that I am running out of, that I was not able to get. THANK YOU for providing so perfectly yesterday, Lord — with so many of the things I actually buy being still on the shelves because most people are not used to eating nuts and beans for protein (for me), or having a simple $1 container of green onion dip as a special TREAT (for my Mate)! There definitely are advantages to living a simple, frugal life, heehee. :D