HSL HSL is a color system that stands for HUE (from 0 to 360), the amount of pure color versus GRAY, called SATuration (0 to...
HSL 0 to 360 Find your HUE! And when you DO, also select a SATuration, then Contact Fran for custom color palettes!
Jo > Me/Misc > JOURNALING! Part of the larger Jo Journey, in the category of "Me & Miscellaneous", these are the STEPS and resources in the subcategory JOURNALING. Here...
Jo Publish Whether you publish books or articles, blog posts or pages, photographs or videos... or even interactive materials... the Jo Content Publishing Journal will help...
FREE printable color palettes with hex colors If you are a designer you may enjoy these FREE printable PDFs free of advertising and other distractions. Get the photo free from Pixabay,...
Dance Explore movement and dance, from inspiring pictures and videos, to resources for learning some new moves
DANCE Words Search for dance styles and terminology -- and get a new layout and new set of words each time!
Color Names SEARCH Search for dozens of different traditional and modern color names -- a new puzzle every time!
Musical Instruments Search Search for some familiar and rather unfamiliar musical instruments, and get a new puzzle every time you load the page!
Top Selling Musicians Search for the names of some of the top-selling musicians and bands of all time, and get a new puzzle every page reload!
Music STYLES Search for common and uncommon styles of music, past and present, and get a new puzzle on every page load!
Crosses Eye Candy for Cross Lovers: cross tattoos, jewelry, clothing and accessories, artworks, and designs