The Savannah is the tallest of all cat breeds, being a cross between the leggy wild African serval and a common domestic cat. Some savannahs have been bred since the 1980’s but the breed was not popularized until the late 1990’s and were not accepted to TICA (The International Cat Association) until 2001. Fans of this breed can obtain a kitten for between one and twenty thousand dollars in the USA, depending upon the percentage of serval DNA present in the litter. Visit this breeder page for an introduction to the breed, or check out some of the other links below.
Savannah Cat
This cat breed is a tall, slender hybrid of the wild serval from Africa
F1 Hybrids
This savannah cat breeder’s website is a great place to start to learn about the world’s tallest cat breed, with info on personality traits, nutrition, appearance, pricing, and legal requirements. There is also a video gallery and breed photos!
Cats 101: Savannah
A classic show introduces this breed, with information on appearance, health concerns, living with the breed, and true stories.
VetStreet: Savannah
Compare the savannah with other cat breeds on this informative website.
Savannah with his boy
A short and cute video on YouTube featuring the savannah cat MAGIC and his best buddy!
A1 Savannahs
This breeder website is the home of “the original founder of the savannah cat breed”. Features breed information and galleries.
All about savannah cats
This short video shows real footage of pet savannahs in the home and on the street, while also showing some interesting facts about the breed.