Lord, I pray you use those verses to bless my dearest sisters in Christ, as you have allowed it to strengthen and bless me so very many times before, especially all the times that either one of my earthly husbands have made my heart bleed or my spirit wretch (and humbly admitting that I have done the same to them, as we are ALL just imperfect little humans, lol). Thank you for walking me faithfully through all those difficult days, into this time of my life when almost every day sees me in blessed unity with my Mate, spending our days if not in perfect, immutable unity, at the very least in mutual respect and deep appreciation. Thank you for giving me a second chance, Lord. Thank you for the gift of life and of Life, fruit and of Fruit, all the things that are present both in the seen world of the physical, and reflected in the unseen world of the spirit. Perhaps to some I sound like a raving lunatic, using unfamiliar words and describing unfamiliar concepts. If that be so, I am in good company, for they said that about you as well, Lord Jesus. And as you said (Matthew 5), I am blessed when I suffer any insult on account of you, faithful Shepherd. THANK YOU for being my true Husband, and for giving me a chance to know you, know your Voice as my Shepherd, and serve you as my Lord and King. Amen.