I couldn’t have asked for a nicer day, right up to the current moment as I type, with three rabbits outside my window, nibbling on clover flowers and allowing me multiple opportunities for capturing them on video and photos.
I WISH I had time to write more… about the lovely soup I made, about the deer I watched, about the crazy antics of the rabbits and birds I witnessed today… BUT I have to leave for work, so perhaps it is good enough to just post the pics, and perhaps write more tomorrow, lol. :wink: (the next day):
Before I post a NEW “step” from my walk today, I wanted to add a lil bit to this one, if only to aid my own memory later, heehee. :wink:
DEER: I stopped just past the bridge, letting the amazing breeze roll over me, coming downhill across the right-of-way. I took a few pics and vids of a single deer crossing the distant corn field, up on the hill behind an electrical tower. Suddenly there was a loud rustling to my left and I just caught sight of two more deer crossing the road quite close to where I was standing, just on the other side of the bridge. They were crashing into the undergrowth, headed in the same general direction as the first deer. Eventually, the two of them emerged into the field before me, and I got a few pics and vid clips of them as well.
BIRDS: I believe it was three or four redwinged blackbirds who FLAT-OUT SCOLDED me as I passed my own driveway, making my way from one bridge to the other. I was mildly insulted, lol. On the way back after seeing the deer, a lone killdeer ran down the middle of the wet road, always keeping about 2 carlengths ahead of me, making a racket with it’s “look at me” call. It flew away just as the redwinged blackbirds started up once again, almost back to my driveway.
“Hmph! These neighbors are being rude to me!” I thought. Hahaha. :wink:
RABBITS: As I was prepping the images for this post, I kept seeing these silly rabbits running about outside my window, all CRAZY like my tiny pomeranian used to do after a bath.
I wasn’t sure what was giving the rabbits the ZOOMIES, but it sure made me LAUGH with delight!! I tried to get a couple pics and vids of the three rabbits that were around — and them being so close together for so long made me think perhaps they might be reacting to hormones, not just the weather. I DID just see a mother and four kits in the field (and got vids/pics!) just a few days ago. Might be weaned now… :wink: