Lord, I actually feel like I stumble several times every day, doing so very many things imperfectly, as any other human will — yet you make it so that my clumsiness causes no real or lasting damage. The shield of your mercy and favor protects me entirely, from my relationships to my work, to my body, heart, and spirit. You always provide every little thing I truly need, at the time that I need it. You even help my heart recover, when I meet with disappointments over the things I think I need, but that turn out to be just shortsighted human desires or expectations. You help me to get back up after I fall, dust myself off, and keep walking forward. I do not know if this is how it worked for David (in the Psalm above), but for me, this is what it feels like when you “clear a path for my feet so I can walk without stumbling”. THANK YOU for being our faithful Shepherd, Lord Jesus. I trust you completely. Lead on!