Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

Here is a colorful member of the Fringillidae that many bird lovers in the UK simply call a bullfinch, just as those in America call its relative Spinus tristis simply a goldfinch.

While there is no comparable bullfinch in the USA, there ARE completely different species called goldfinch in the two places — AND two unrelated species called robin redbreast as well!

People living in either location can find delight in learning about species appreciated by bird lovers “on the other side of the pond”!

Here’s a look at some of the bullfinch‘s neighbors (go to 4:36 to see the goldfinch):

Learn more about Eurasian bullfinches using any or all of the following resources, according to your preferred learning styles.

No matter which method you choose, you can easily take notes and save them for later using the FREE editable, customizable, downloadable and printable Bird Species Document Creator Activity!

When you feel more familiar with this species, try some or all of these activities:

1. Take the Species Quiz

2. Create & share your own Species Brief

3. Create your own multi-page Species Profile (Patrons only) using the images, audio, and text formatting provided [Learn about becoming a Patron]

4. Fill out one of the species profile spreads in your printed Jo Bird Journal

5. Post the Square2share on social media to see if your friends know this species, and perhaps teach them a bit about it. Teaching SOLIDIFIES learning!

6. Add the Square2share or other images and profiles to a folder on your device or in Google Drive, in order to later test your memory of species you’ve learned

If you’d like to discuss this or other species with fellow bird lovers, or share your photos, observations, or questions, I invite you to do so on the BIRDS: Nature and Science Facebook page, or on the Stream tab of the Google Classroom (class code = qy37ohy).

See you there! <<sound of feathers>>

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